37 Sales Text Message Examples for Every Stage of Your Funnel

Communication's the cornerstone of a successful sales funnel. To keep your prospects interested and engaged, you need to be able to provide quick responses and accurate information. Even for a small business with a limited customer base, that's usually easier said than done.
After all, the more time you spend sending and replying to text messages, the less time you've got to focus on more important things.Your best bet is to set up quick responses geared toward each stage of your funnel. That way, you and your team can save their energy for more important projects and customer interactions.
In this post, we'll provide you with a comprehensive list of text message samples you can use for your sales funnel — complete with links for anyone who wants to dive deeper.
- General Text Messages
- Awareness and Outreach Text Messages
- Discovery Text Messages
- Evaluation Text Messages
- Purchase Text Messages
- Post-Purchase Text Messages
The templates below are relevant at every stage of the sales funnel. A new lead, for instance, might book an appointment to ask questions about your services, while someone in the evaluation stage might attend a webinar to learn more about what you can do for them.
Hey [FirstName]! Thanks for booking a call with [BusinessName]! We'll reach out to you on [Date] at [Time] for a quick chat about [Service]. Looking forward to speaking with you! |
Hello, [FirstName]; Just a quick reminder about our call in [Time]. We'll reach out to you from [Number]. If you're no longer available to chat, let us know and we can reschedule. |
Hey, [FirstName]. It was great to chat with you! Hopefully, we were able to answer all your questions about [Topic]. Here's what's next: [Description] |
Check out more appointment reminder text message templates.
Thanks for your interest in [NewsletterName]! Before we start sharing insights with you about [Topic], it'd be great if you could confirm your subscription by clicking the following link: [Link]. If you're no longer interested or think you received this message by mistake, you can safely ignore it. |
Promotional Messages
Greetings, [FirstName]. You're receiving this email because you recently agreed to receive promotional messages about [Topic/Product/Service] from [BusinessName]. Before we proceed, please confirm that you still wish to receive these messages by typing "Y." You can also opt-out by typing "N." |
Congratulations, [FirstName]! You're now officially entered into [Contest]! We'll reach out to the winners on [Date] [Time] with more information. Thanks for registering! |
Hello, [FirstName]. You're now registered to attend [Event] at [Time] [Date]. We look forward to seeing you there. You can find more information about the event at the following link: [Link] |
Awareness and Outreach
This is the very top of the funnel. The prospects at this stage either haven't interacted with your organization or have just discovered you. They may more may not be aware you exist. You can either choose to be proactive and reach out to your leads or wait for them to directly express interest in working with your company.
Fresh Leads
Hello, [FirstName]. Thanks for your interest in [BusinessName]'s [Product/Service]. Do you have a few minutes to discuss what you're specifically looking for and explore your options? If you're no longer interested, you can just reply with either END or Not Interested. |
Aged Leads
Hello, [FirstName]. This is [AgentName] from [BusinessName]. Just following up on your request to learn more about [Service]. Let's schedule a chat so we can take a closer look at your options and see if we can find you some more competitive [Prices/Rates]. You can set something up with the following calendar link: [Link]. If you're no longer interested, you can just text END. |
Agent Introduction
Hey there, [FirstName]. This is [AgentName] with [BusinessName]. Are you looking for a new [Service Provider Type]? If so, I think I can help you. Let's chat — is there a specific date or time that works for you? If you no longer wish to receive messages like this, you can simply text N or END. |
Gauging Interest
Hey, [FirstName]. This is [AgentName] with [BusinessName], checking in to see if you're still interested. Let us know by scheduling a quick discovery call here: [Link]. Alternatively, you can type N, Not Interested, or END to stop receiving messages from us. |
Prospects at this stage are interested in your company's offerings, but still not fully convinced that you're the best option. They're curious to know more about what you can offer them compared to your competitors. You'll want to provide them with as much information as possible while also determining what specific products or services they're looking for.
Customer Segmentation
Hello, [FirstName]. Could you provide a bit more information about what kind of [Product/Service] you need? That way, we can figure out which of our offerings is the best fit for you. |
Service Inquiry
Greetings, [FirstName]. Thanks for your interest in [Product/Service]. You can find more information about pricing, availability, and specifics here: [Link]. Let us know if you have any other questions! |
Review Current Services
Hey there, [FirstName]. This is [AgentName] from [BusinessName]. Are you satisfied with your current [Service]? If not, we can review it to see if we find one that is a better fit for your needs. Let us know when you're free to chat, or text END to stop receiving messages from us. |
By now, your prospects know a bit more about both your company and your competition. They'll probably reach out to you with some specific questions or concerns, especially with regards to how your products or services stack up against competitors. Be ready to provide them with whatever information they need, and consider sweetening the pot a little with incentives like free trials or discounts.
Price Quote
Hello, [FirstName]. Thanks for your interest in [BusinessName]'s [Service]. Based on what you've told us so far, you're looking at around [Price]. You can find more information on pricing here: [Link]. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. |
Service Inquiry
Hey there, [FirstName]. This is [AgentName] with [BusinessName]. Thanks for reaching out. I understand you're looking for some more information on how [Service] stacks up against [Competitor]. You can find a breakdown here: [Link]. Feel free to ask me any specific questions you might have, as well. |
Hello, [FirstName]! It's [AgentName] from [BusinessName]. I'm just wondering if you're interested in a free [Time] trial of [Service]. Let me know! |
Good news, [FirstName]. You qualify for a [Percent] discount on [BusinessName]'s [Service]! Check the following link for more information: [Link] |
Assess Purchase Readiness
Greetings, [FirstName]. This is [AgentName] from [BusinessName]. Are you still interested in moving forward with [Service]? If so, let's set up a call to discuss next steps via the following calendar link: [Link]. If you're no longer interested, text N or END to stop receiving messages from us. |
You're almost there. At this stage of the funnel, your prospect has more or less decided that they're going to purchase your product or service. Your goal at this stage is to facilitate that purchase, ensuring that you have both the prospect's consent and the necessary information to proceed.
For some industries, such as retail, there's not a whole lot to do at this stage. Others, such as real estate or insurance, will have a few additional steps to follow, detailed below.
Agent of Record Request
Hello, [FirstName]. For us to act as your agent and manage your benefits, we'll need your consent. You can find the form at this secure link: [Link] |
Document Collection
Hey, [FirstName]. Thanks for your interest in [Service] from [BusinessName]. To complete your application, we'll need a few documents from you. I can connect you with a licensed [Expert] to provide some additional details. When would you be available to chat? |
Hello, [FirstName]. To complete your application for [Service] from [BusinessName], we're going to need a few documents from you. You can find more information here: [Link]. Once you have the documents ready, you can upload them at the following secure link: [Link]. |
Hello, [FirstName]. There's one last step. Please verify that your information is correct and make any necessary changes to your address, [Information], or [Information]. You can do so at the following secure link: [Link] |
Lender/Vendor Introduction
Hey there, [FirstName]! It's [AgentName] from [BusinessName]. I'm happy to introduce you to [PartnerName], our trusted [VendorType] who will guide you through the [Service] process. Feel free to reach out to them if you have any questions! |
Payment Information
Hey, [FirstName]. It's [AgentName] from [BusinessName], I just wanted to make sure your payment information is accurate — you can update it here: [Link]. |
Your prospect has finalized their decision. They're going to work with your organization and officially become a customer. What that means varies by industry, but your general approach here will always be more or less the same: Confirm that the purchase will occur and then thank the customer for working with you.
Purchase/Payment Confirmation
This is an automated reminder from [BusinessName] that you have a $[Cost] payment due on [Date] for [Service]. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reply to this message or contact us at [Number]. |
Thank You
Thanks for your purchase, [FirstName]. We look forward to working with you! |
At this stage, your prospect is officially a customer. The messages here are intended to help you cultivate your relationship through customer support, personalized promotions and tailored notifications. The idea is to provide ongoing value that will secure the customer's loyalty in the long-term.
Hey, [FirstName]. Based on your purchase history, we figured you might want to know about [Product], which is set to launch on [Date]. You can find more information here: [Link]. |
Personalized Offers
It's almost time for your renewal, [FirstName]. Looking to save some money on [Service]? We can help with that — find more information here: [Link] |
Do you know of anyone else who might be interested in [BusinessName]'s [Products/Services]? Have them register with referral code [Code] for a [Percent] discount on [Payment]! |
Reminders and Notices
Hey, [FirstName]. The renewal date for your policy with [BusinessName] is coming up soon, on [Date]. You can review the policy here: [Link]. Let us know if you want to schedule a call for further discussion. |
Open Enrollment
Hello, [FirstName]! Great to meet you — I'm [AIName], and assistant for [AgentName] from [BusinessName]. We have you on a [Service] with [Carrier]. Open enrollment's coming up soon, so if you'd like to keep and renew your current plan, just say YES. Otherwise, text NO and we'll explore some of your options for the coming year. |
Purchase/Payment Reminder
Hey there, [FirstName]. Just a friendly reminder that you have a $[Cost] payment coming up for [Product/Service] on [Date]. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. |
Good news, [FirstName]! Your recent [ClaimType] has been processed and approved. You'll receive a reimbursement of $[Amount] on [Date]. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. |
Customer Support
Thanks for reaching out to [BusinessName], [FirstName]. We've received your request, and a member of our support team will be with you shortly. Your estimated wait time is [Number] minutes. |
An agent will be with you as soon as possible. In the meantime, feel free to let me know if you have any questions I can help you with. |
Agent of Record Consent
Hey [FirstName], it's [AgentName] from [BusinessName]. We noticed you're now on a different insurance plan with [ExistingPlanCarrier] [PlanName]. If you were NOT aware of this change and would like to return to [ContactCarrier] [PlanName], please let us know immediately, and we'll update your file. To keep everything the way it is, reply KEEP. To go back to your original plan, reply RETURN. |
Keep Your Leads Engaged with AI Texting
To stay competitive in today's landscape, you need to be able to respond quickly to both customers and prospects. That's not really something you can do effectively if you're sending everything manually. What you need is intelligent automation — and that's where Meera.ai comes in.
Meera is an intelligent AI texting platform developed from our experience managing thousands of successful SMS campaigns across multiple industries. It enhances both your outreach and customer service with automated reminders, notifications, quick responses, and more. With Meera.ai, it's easy to keep your prospects engaged wherever they are in the sales cycle.
And it's easy to turn those prospects into loyal customers who will keep coming back for more.
Talk to an AI expert at Meera today to get started.