19 SMS Templates for Insurance Companies

19 SMS Templates for Insurance Companies
16 min read

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized how insurance organizations and customers interact with one another — and we still haven't seen the full scope of that revolution. 

According to Gartner, up to 60 percent of all sales work could be executed by artificial intelligence by 2028. Even as early as next year, the analyst estimates that roughly 30 percent of all sales messages may come from AI. 

Customer support is another major beneficiary of artificial intelligence. Deloitte further predicts that AI and machine learning could increase overall labor productivity by roughly 37 percent by next year.

By 2032, the global conversational AI market is expected to reach US $9586.4 million at a compound annual growth rate of 17.1 percent. 

What’s clear: AI has tremendous potential to unlock significant savings for companies who get it right. 

But where should you start? For many insurance companies, it starts with using AI texting for sales outreach, lead engagement, and customer support.


Insurance Sales Text Message Templates for Initial Outreach

SMS Templates for Collecting Info and Documents

SMS Templates for Agent of Record and Consent

SMS Templates for Lead Outreach

Insurance Renewal Reminder SMS Templates

SMS Templates for Payments

Other Life Insurance Text Message Templates

Using AI to maximize impact of SMS 

AI texting is a great tool for sales outreach given how scalable and adaptable it is to changing business needs. 

Not surprisingly, insurance companies are taking notice too. According to IDC, roughly 49 percent of insurance organizations are currently implementing conversational AI systems. 

Given the numbers, it isn't hard to see why. On the business side, conversational AI can handle time-consuming, tedious sales and support tasks such as policy renewals, follow-ups, document collection and appointment scheduling. This leaves agents free to focus on more meaningful and impactful work.

For customers, meanwhile, AI creates a significantly more convenient and engaging experience, making it easier to manage their policies and plans in the process. 

Here's the problem, though. As promising as it is, conversational AI isn't something you can just mindlessly deploy. There's certain information you need to collect and certain steps you need to consider for each engagement.

To put it another way, just like a human agent, your conversational AI needs a basic script that it can follow. 

Don’t worry. Meera has helped create thousands of SMS campaigns for our insurance clients, so we understand what needs to be included in templates and scripts for each major use case.

Let's start by exploring a few of the different AI texting use cases within insurance and the templates you can use to get started fast. 

Insurance Sales Text Message Templates for Initial Outreach

Agent Introduction

Initial Contact

Hey [name],

This is [Agent] from [insurance company]. Are you looking for a new insurance provider? I can help you find the perfect coverage — let's chat. Is there a particular date and time that works for you? 

Call Scheduled

Great! I'll talk to you then! 

Not Interested

I understand. Thanks for your time! 

If you decide to do outreach to clients who have expressed interest in a quote, you'll likely end up using a template similar to this one. You'll want to make sure your automated agent has access to information on your plans and policies so that it can answer any questions the prospect may have. Other than that, you don't need much more information for this template. 

Review Coverage


Hey, [Name] — this is [name] from [company].  Are you satisfied with your current insurance plan? 

If not, we can review it to find one that better meets your needs. Let us know when you're free to chat!  

This template gives prospective clients an opportunity to assess whether their existing insurance coverage meets their needs. You can either have the AI provide them with alternative plans or simply have them schedule a call with one of your agents. 

SMS Templates for Collecting Info and Documents

Document Collection

Document Request (Call)

Hey, [Name!]

In order to complete your application, we'll need certain documents from you. I can connect you with a licensed insurance advisor who can provide more details. Are you available now?

Document Request (Upload)

Hey, [Name!]

In order to complete your application, we'll need certain documents from you. Here's a link to more information: [Link].

Once you have the documents ready, you can upload them here: [Link]

This template goes out to clients who have expressed a desire to become policyholders. You'll need a way of obtaining the documents from the client, such as via a secure portal. Otherwise, this is relatively straightforward. 

You may also use this template to request documentation and other data during the claims process, such as receipts, photos, damage reports, injury reports, and more. You'll also need a means of validating contracts and other forms via digital signature in order to get consent. 

Document Verification

Please verify that your information is correct and add any changes regarding your address, income, or number of insured individuals — you can do so using this secure link: 

You'll send this message in a few different scenarios: 

  • A client requests a different plan during open enrollment
  • A client submits documentation during onboarding
  • A client has made recent changes to their account or policy 

As with the document request template, you'll need a secure way of receiving the updated information. 

Missing Document Reminder

Hey, [name]. 

Just a reminder that in order to complete [process], we'll need [required document] from you. Please send it to us at your earliest convenience or upload it via this secure link: [Link]

This is fairly self-explanatory — you'll send out this automated message when a prospect or policyholder has neglected to upload the necessary documentation for their policy or account. You may also want to include a message confirming that documentation has been received, as well. 

SMS Templates for Agent of Record and Consent

AOR Request

Hey [name]! 

In order for us to act as your agent and manage your benefits, we'll need your consent. You can find the form at this secure link: [link]

You'll use this message when you need a client or policyholder to sign an Agent of Record letter. Typically, you'll use a secure portal combined with an eSignature solution as part of this process. You may also send out a confirmation message once the form has been signed and processed. 

AOR Consent

Hey [FirstName], this is [name] from [company]. 

We were doing a courtesy check on your insurance plan and noticed you're now on a different plan with [ExistingPlanCarrier] [PlanName]. If you were NOT aware of this change and would like to return to [ContactCarrier] [PlanName], please let us know immediately, and we'll update your file. 

To keep everything the way it is and have us continue servicing your account as your agent, reply KEEP. To go back to the plan we had set you up with, reply RETURN. Thank you! 

You'll generally send out this automated message when a policyholder has changed the agent of record on their insurance plan. If you don't receive a response, you'll generally want to send no more than four follow-up messages, each spaced two to four days apart.

SMS Templates for Lead Outreach

New Leads


Hi, [Firstname]! This is [Name] from [Company]. Thank you for your interest in our [class of insurance]! Do you have a few minutes to discuss your options? 

If you are no longer interested in [insurance plan], please reply with END or Not Interested. 

Call Now

Perfect! Expect a call within minutes from [Number]!

Don't Call

Okay, when would be a good time for a call to discuss your recent quote? 

Confirm Time

Great! We will call you [date] at [time, timezone] from [number]. 

Talk to you then! 

This message is sent out to prospects who have directly requested a quote from your company. In addition to the individual's name and the type of insurance they requested, you may choose to further personalize this template with branded messaging and more details on their potential insurance plan. In addition to the template above, you'll also want to have templated messages prepared for the following scenarios:

  • The prospect prefers to text or chat.
  • The prospect isn't interested now but may be interested in the future.
  • The prospect is no longer interested.
  • The prospect failed to respond within three days.
  • The prospect has failed to respond to follow-ups, and their quote is about to expire.
  • The prospect requests more information about their quote. You can either automate the response or forward the question to an agent so they can prepare for the call. 

Aged Leads

Hi [FirstName], it's [name] from [provider]. I'm following up on your request for info regarding our insurance plans. Let's take a closer look at your current coverage and see if we can find you some more competitive rates. 

Txt END if the quote is no longer required. 

Otherwise, please schedule a time with us to discuss the next steps: [CalendarLink]

The script for communicating with an aged lead is very similar to the script for communicating with a fresh lead — almost identical, in fact. The only real difference is that because the lead is aged, the window for communication may be slightly wider. This approach allows you to re-engage and possibly convert aged leads who were previously interested in a plan or a past customer.

Insurance Renewal Reminder SMS Templates

Insurance Renewal Reminder

Hey, [Firstname!]

This is just a reminder that the renewal date for your policy with [provider] is coming up on [date]. You can review the policy here: [Link]. 

Let us know if you want to schedule a call with one of our agents to further discuss. 

This insurance renewal reminder SMS template simply reminds policyholders of upcoming renewals. In addition to details on the renewal itself, you may choose to include guidance on next steps, link the policyholder to help documentation, or provide them with a way to schedule a meeting with their agent. 

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment Reminder

Hi [FirstName]!

I'm [name], an assistant for [agent] with [company]. We have you on a health plan with [carrier]. Open Enrollment is coming up, so if you'd like us to keep and renew your current plan, simply say YES; or say NO to look at other options for next year. 


Okay, no problem! Please verify that your information is correct and there have been no changes to your address or other personal information and we'll renew on your behalf.


Okay, no problem! We'll provide you with options once they're available during open enrollment. 

In the meantime, please verify that your personal information is correct and there have been no recent changes. 


Sent out to employees on company benefits such as health insurance and life insurance, this text message template is a reminder that they will soon be able to make changes to their plans. 

Plan Not Available

Initial Prompt

Hi [FirstName], it's [Name] from the office of [AgentName], your insurance agent. 

I'm just reaching out to inform you that your current [insurance type] plan is no longer available. Not to worry — we have similar plans that you can choose from. You can review your options here, then select the plan that best suits your needs: [Link]

Valid Selection

Okay, great! Thanks for confirming. We'll complete your renewal with the chosen plan. 

Negative Response

[Firstname], it's important to select an available policy for [year]; otherwise, you won't be covered. 

If you have questions, please schedule a call with your agent, whose availability can be found here: [agent calendar link]

Positive Response Without Selection

Not a problem! If you're having trouble selecting a plan, let's schedule you to meet with your agent. 

You can view their availability here: [agent calendar link]. 

This message goes out during the renewal process if a policyholder's plan is no longer available for renewal. As you can see above, you'll need to deflect the policyholder to available plans they can select or else schedule them to speak with one of your agents. 

Show New Plans

Great! Here's a list of available plans: [Link]. 

Let us know which one you'd like us to enroll you in or if you'd like to review your options with one of our agents! 

You'll generally send this message to a policyholder who's indicated that they want to select a new insurance plan. Your policyholder should be able to confirm and apply their changes entirely via your automated agent. 

Newly Selected Plan

Hey [name]. 

Just to confirm, you'd like to select [plan] for your [insurance type]? 

This can be added to any script involving policy changes or updates. If the policyholder answers in the negative, they can be directed back to a list of available plans. 

SMS Templates for Payments

Payment Reminder

Hey, [Firstname!]

Just letting you know that you have a payment coming up for your [insurance plan] with [provider] for $[amount]. To ensure continuous coverage, please confirm that your payment information is up to date, and let us know if you have any questions. 

A courtesy message that lets a policyholder know about an upcoming payment. 

Payment Declined

Initial Warning

Hello, this is [name] from [company.] Thanks for trusting us with your insurance needs. 

We're just reaching out to let you know that your payment method was declined. Please update your payment information as soon as possible or contact one of our agents.

Payment Overdue

Hey [name], 

Your account is currently overdue by $[amount]. To ensure continuous coverage, please make arrangements to pay this premium as soon as possible. 

The first message in this template will go out immediately in the event of a failed or declined payment on a policyholder's premium. The second message can go out a week or so later. You may want to include a link to a payment portal or provide the policyholder with a means of directly contacting one of your agents. 

Reimbursement Notice

We have good news, [name]. 

Your recent claim for [claim type] has been processed and approved. You'll receive a reimbursement of $[amount] on [date]. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 

Other Life Insurance Text Message Templates


Appointment Confirmation

Great! You've scheduled a call with [Agent] on [date] at [time]. 

We'll talk to you then! 

Appointment Reminder

Hey [name], this is just a reminder that you have a call coming up with [Agent] in ten minutes. 

If you're no longer able to talk, let us know and we can reschedule. 

Post-Call Follow-Up

Hey [name]! Thanks for talking to us about [topic]. Here's what's next: 


Missed Call

Hey, [name],

We're sorry we missed you! When would be a convenient time to reschedule? 

These general-purpose templates can be sent out when a customer or lead schedules a call with one of your agents. They're all relatively straightforward, with the post-call follow-up template explaining the next steps — for instance, if a lead chose to work with you as their insurance provider, you'd get them started with onboarding.


Hey, [Name]

Just reaching out to let you know that [confirmation]. 

This generic template can be sent out in any of the following scenarios:

  • You are authorized to act as a policyholder's agent of record
  • A payment has been processed on the policyholder's account
  • The policyholder has successfully changed their plan
  • The policyholder has successfully renewed their plan

AI Texting for Insurance: A Smarter Way to Communicate

For insurance companies, client communications represents arguably the most compelling application for conversational AI. 

By intelligently automating the most tedious sales and support tasks, your team can free themselves to focus on what's really important — people and policies. That's where Meera comes in. 

Trusted by major companies like True Coverage and Compass Insurance, we've managed thousands of successful SMS insurance campaigns. That expertise is what allowed us to create Meera.ai. And it's how we'll help your company simplify renewals, streamline outreach, and make life easier for both employees and agents alike. 

Speak with an AI expert at Meera today to learn more about how Meera can automate your entire renewal process.