Connect With More Leads With Less Effort

Improve customer satisfaction and eliminate phone tag by adding automated text messaging to your call center.

Boost Your Connect Rate By 40%
With AI Text Automation

  • Engage Leads
  • Schedule Meetings
  • Process Automation
  • Decrease Wait Times

Automate follow up and lead nurturing

Ask Meera to send follow-up texts to engage leads until they are ready to speak to an agent. Meera will hand-off the conversation to a team member when the time is right.

Engage Leads

Schedule meetings in half the time

Meera syncs with your team’s calendars to automate the entire appointment scheduling process. Customers simply have to pick a time that works best for them.

Engage At Scale With NLP Technology_1

Build custom automations for your workflows

Support your sales teams with custom automations that fit the way they work. Meera enables document collection, customer choices, and more.

Process Automation

Delight customers fed up with wait times

Meera automatically texts and tries to book an appointment with customers who hang up after waiting on hold for too long. Then, it schedules the call with your agent.

Decrease Wait Times

Meera Partners With Five9

Meera syncs with call dispositions within Five9 to deliver the right message at
the right time — so you can provide a smoother customer experience.


Relieve The Stress And Pressure On Your Contact Center Agents

Meera uses natural language processing to understand incoming texts. It works just like a virtual agent, freeing up your agents to focus on higher priority tasks.

  • Eliminate unnecessary phone tag and busywork for your agents
  • Keep leads warm with automated follow-up texts
  • Make it easy for customers to connect with a human rep

Automate The Entire Appointment Scheduling Workflow

Increase total meetings booked and create high quality opportunities with automated meeting scheduling that supports the calendars you use.

  • Integrates with Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, iCloud, Yahoo, and more
  • Sync multiple calendars and availabilities at once
  • Automates booking, calling, and live transferring to an agent

Our AI Experts Get You up and Running Within 3 Business Days

Here’s a quick breakdown of our process and how easy we make AI texting to deploy.

Group 12442
Campaign Design & Consultation
Group 12159
Industry & Use Case Mapping
Group 12158
Workflow Integration
Group 12161
Team Onboarding & Training
Group 12162
Go Live!

Why Contact Centers Choose Meera for Sales Automation


Lead Engagement & Nurturing


Live Call

Appointment Scheduling

Appointment Scheduling



Ready to Automate 80% of Your Agent's Busy Work? Try Meera Today