Texting vs Email: Which One is Best for Sales in 2024?

Texting vs Email: Which One is Best for Sales in 2024?
14 min read

Whether it's sealing a deal or cultivating customer relationships, the right method of business communication can make all the difference.

Here’s an age-old debate: texting versus email. Time is of the essence, and businesses are constantly seeking the most effective means to connect with prospects and clients alike. Both texting and email have undeniably revolutionized how businesses operate, each wielding its own arsenal of advantages.

Email’s ability to convey detailed information, attach documents, and maintain a record of conversations has solidified its position as a staple in the sales toolkit.

On the flip side, business text messaging emerges as a swift and agile contender, offering unparalleled immediacy and intimacy in communication. Its real-time nature allows for rapid exchanges, making it ideal for quick inquiries, appointment reminders, or even personalized outreach that cuts through the noise of a cluttered inbox.

Here's a quick comparison of these powerful sales communication strategies:





Susceptible to spam filters; deliverability varies

Deliverability (inbox placement rate): 49%-90%

Spam: Users' inboxes have 45%-50% emails as spam, going as high as 85% to some

Immediate delivery

Deliverability (inbox placement rate): 98%; almost all messages are received in seconds and read within minutes

Spam: Only 10% of all marketing texts are considered spam


Slower response times

Open rate (recipients who open the email): 41.31%

Click-through rate (recipients who opened and clicked your content): 2.6%

High engagement; real-time responses

Open rate (recipients who open the text): 95-99%, with an average of 98%

Click-through rate (recipients who opened and clicked your content): 19%


Automation options available; requires setup and monitoring

Scalable; AI-driven interactions at scale

Ease of Use

Familiar interface; customizable templates

Simple interface; quick to send and receive


Versatile; formal communication

Immediate response; personal touch

OUR VERDICT: While email remains a valuable channel for certain types of communication, the change in working environments suggests incorporating texting into sales strategies if you have not already.

Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and data enables sales teams to wield newfound agility, responsiveness, and intelligence in catering to the needs of their consumers.

So, let's dissect the specifics, explore the latest trends, and empower businesses to make informed decisions for sales success in the digital era.


Email delivery

Deliverability means how well sales-related communications—such as emails and texts—are transmitted to the intended recipients' inboxes or mobile devices.

Because of several factors, email deliverability rates are not always the same as SMS delivery rates, meaning the effectiveness of reaching prospects and customers through various communication channels varies.

Essentially, high deliverability ensures that sales messages are not blocked by spam filters, do not bounce back, and are promptly received and viewed by the target audience. It is a critical aspect of sales communication as it directly impacts the reach and effectiveness of sales efforts.

Deliverability influences engagement levels, response rates, and, in the end, the success of sales campaigns.

Sales will undergo yet another transformation this 2024. With ‌AI and data-driven strategies on the rise, businesses are primed to elevate their sales and service endeavors to unprecedented heights. 

Deliverability is key to reaching your audience, whether you use email or text messaging. Let's break down how each medium stacks up.

Email Deliverability

Email deliverability, a multifaceted metric influenced by factors ranging from ISP filtering to spam detection, holds the key to the success of your outreach efforts.

As businesses increasingly harness the power of AI and data to refine their email strategies, the landscape of deliverability undergoes constant evolution.

For instance, the Resilient & Efficient Text Vectorizer, or RETVec, is Gmail's recent security upgrade that represents a significant step forward in email protection. This advanced text vectorizer utilizes machine learning to identify and filter out harmful content, bolstering users' defenses against phishing attempts and spam.

With RETVec now deployed across all Gmail accounts, users can enjoy heightened security without any additional effort on their part.

SMS Deliverability

On the other hand, SMS deliverability is the measure of successful text message transmission, and serves as the foundation upon which effective SMS marketing campaigns are built.

Over 91% of consumers express a willingness to receive SMS messages from businesses, which means that registering for an SMS campaign is effective as a promise of engagement. 

Generic text blasts have fallen out of favor, giving way to personalized messages that resonate with recipients and are less likely to be seen as spam.

Today, consumers are increasingly open to sharing personal information in exchange for perks like free shipping or tailored recommendations, highlighting the potential of SMS marketing when executed thoughtfully.



Sales engagement refers to how a prospect or customer interacts or participates in sales-related activities and communications.

Among these interactions are opening emails, clicking on links, responding to messages, attending meetings or presentations, providing feedback, and ultimately making purchases or taking desired actions.

High engagement indicates that potential customers are actively interested in the products or services and are receptive to further interaction with the sales team. This key metric measures the effectiveness of sales efforts, indicating the level of interest, responsiveness, and potential conversion opportunities within the target audience.

Increasing engagement levels is a primary goal of sales strategies, leading to stronger relationships, improved trust, and higher conversion rates.

Both texting and email marketing offer unique advantages and metrics to track engagement performance.

Email Engagement

You must be able to capture and connect with your audience through email marketing. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like open rates and click-through rates provide insights into campaign effectiveness.

Across all industries, email has an average open rate of 41.31% and a click-to-open rate of 7.38%. While not infallible, fluctuations in open rates signal the need to reassess sending frequency or content quality. Factors contributing to low open rates include excessive or inadequate campaign frequency.

Texting Engagement

With unparalleled reach and lightning-fast response times, SMS marketing offers a direct line to your audience's fingertips. From promotional offers to personalized messages, every text presents an opportunity to cultivate loyalty and drive action.

SMS marketing boasts impressive engagement rates, reaching over 98% of smartphone users. On average, over 95% of SMS messages are opened and read within three minutes of delivery, far surpassing email's open rates. 

While email marketing provides valuable insights into engagement through metrics like open and click rates, SMS marketing excels in immediacy and reach, boasting unmatched open rates and offering a powerful tool for building customer loyalty through personalized engagement strategies.



Automation in sales refers to using technology and software to streamline and automate repetitive tasks and processes involved in the sales cycle. This can include tasks such as:

  • Lead scoring
  • Data entry
  • Email campaigns
  • Follow-up communications
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Updating customer records

Automating these tasks allows sales teams to save time, improve efficiency, and concentrate on more strategic activities like establishing relationships with prospects and closing deals.

Both email and text messaging can be automated to streamline communication and improve engagement. Let's delve into the unique benefits of each.

Automated Email

Automated email, also known as triggered email, leverages user actions to deliver timely and relevant messages. By targeting specific user behaviors, such as sign-ups or purchases, automated emails ensure content relevance, driving higher open and engagement rates.

These emails serve as an extension of your brand, fostering stronger connections with customers through thought leadership and personalized content. From onboarding sequences to lapsed customer incentives, automated email campaigns nurture relationships and drive conversions.

Automated Texting

Meanwhile, automated texting platforms offer efficiency by handling repetitive tasks and allowing teams to focus on core activities. With features like audience segmentation and personalized messaging, automated texting optimizes marketing campaigns for maximum impact.

Automated texting enhances the customer experience by providing timely responses and fostering meaningful interactions, ultimately boosting satisfaction and loyalty. Through time and resource savings, businesses can streamline operations and allocate budgets more effectively.

Whether nurturing leads through targeted email sequences or engaging customers with personalized text messages, automation is a valuable asset for businesses looking to streamline communication and drive quick results. 

Ease of Use


In sales, ease of use occurs when there is simplicity and intuitiveness of tools, processes, and systems used by sales professionals. This encompasses how easily sales reps can navigate software, access information, and execute various activities such as prospecting, lead management, and negotiation.

A system or tool with high ease of use minimizes the learning curve. This allows sales reps to quickly adopt and master it without extensive training or technical expertise.

Additionally, ease of use ensures that sales professionals can focus their time and energy on selling rather than struggling with complex or cumbersome software.

For businesses, effective email software offers many user-friendly features:

  • Email platforms provide familiar interfaces that are easy to navigate, making it simple for users to compose, send, and manage messages.
  • With drag-and-drop editors and customizable templates, creating visually appealing emails requires minimal technical expertise.
  • Features like scheduling and automation streamline workflows, allowing users to set up campaigns in advance and automate repetitive tasks.
  • Integration with other tools and platforms further enhances usability, enabling seamless collaboration and workflow management.

Texting, meanwhile, has its own set of usability advantages:

  • Texting platforms boast simple interfaces prioritizing speed and efficiency, allowing users to send messages with minimal effort.
  • With features like contact management and message scheduling, organizing and managing contacts is straightforward, facilitating smooth communication workflows.
  • Personalization options, such as merge tags and dynamic content, empower users to tailor messages to individual recipients, enhancing engagement and response rates.
  • Integration with CRM systems and other business tools ensures texting integrates into existing workflows, maximizing productivity and efficiency.

Businesses can use email and text messaging to meet their diverse needs. Both platforms offer intuitive interfaces and robust features that streamline communication and boost productivity.

Ultimately, the ease of use of both email and texting ensures that businesses can effectively connect with their audience and achieve their marketing goals with ease.


While email has long been the cornerstone of professional correspondence, its effectiveness varies depending on the context. 

For long-form communication, detailed information sharing, or formal announcements, email still holds its ground. However, in scenarios requiring immediate response or quick follow-ups, texting emerges as the clear winner.

Texting is a highly effective channel for quick and direct communication, particularly when following up on demo or meeting requests or scheduling calls. Its real-time nature and high open rates make it ideal for urgent or time-sensitive communications.

The secret lies in AI-powered conversational tools, which automate responses and streamline communication processes. Leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, conversational AI enhances the effectiveness of texting by providing personalized, human-like interactions at scale.

These AI-powered agents can handle a wide range of tasks, from scheduling appointments to answering frequently asked questions, all while maintaining a conversational tone that resonates with users.

With the ability to handle repetitive tasks and provide immediate assistance, conversational AI empowers businesses to deliver exceptional customer service and drive results with unmatched efficiency.

Texting vs Email: Outlook to the Future

Looking ahead, both texting and email continue to play integral roles in communication strategies. Each channel is poised to evolve in response to shifting workplace dynamics and changing consumer behaviors.

While email is unlikely to disappear anytime soon, its role may evolve in response to the rise of remote and hybrid work models. As businesses embrace telecommuting, email will continue to serve as a vital tool for asynchronous communication and collaboration.

However, email faces challenges such as spam, clutter, and ongoing advertisements, prompting businesses to explore solutions that enhance organization and streamline workflows.

This is where evolutionary tools such as AI texting platforms come in handy. Text messaging services are experiencing a surge in popularity, driven by their simplicity, ease of use, and accessibility across various devices.

With around 60% of companies operating in a hybrid model and an increasing number of employees working remotely, text messaging has emerged as an efficient and effective means of communication.

However, the rise in SMS use has also led to new regulations protecting recipients from unwanted messages. This highlights the need for businesses to prioritize compliance and respect user preferences.

As businesses adapt to remote and hybrid work models, the demand for efficient, streamlined communication solutions is expected to drive further innovation in both texting and email platforms.

Key Takeaways

The debate of texting vs email rages on, with both channels offering unique advantages and opportunities for businesses. The following are some key takeaways:

  • Versatility vs. Immediacy: Email remains versatile for long-form communication and formal announcements, while texting delivers immediate responses and follow-ups.
  • Personalization and Engagement: Texting and email provide personalization and engagement opportunities, but texting's real-time nature, as well as its speed, makes it ideal for quick inquiries and appointment reminders.
  • Automation and Efficiency: Automation plays a crucial role in both texting and email, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity. However, advancements in AI-powered texting platforms offer unique opportunities for personalized, conversational interactions at scale.
  • Adaptability in Changing Work Environments: Email and texting will continue to play a crucial role in communication strategies for remote work environments. Clients' and employees' needs evolve, so businesses must adapt.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for sales and communication. Instead, businesses must carefully consider their objectives, audience preferences, and the specific context of each interaction when determining whether texting or email is their best choice for sales.

That being said, while email remains a valuable channel for certain types of communication, the change in working environments suggests incorporating texting into sales strategies if you have not already.

Staying on top of emerging trends and technologies will help businesses maximize their consumer reach and drive success.