The Problem

Most prospects depend on financing options and loans for buying a vehicle. Preapproved loans are a great way to attract these prospects and convert them to leads. The technique is gaining traction in the industry. As a result, an increasing number of dealerships are already using it to attract prospects. With customers spoilt for choices, there is a need for an engagement tool for dealerships. Most dealerships rely on emails and cold calling to capture prospect attention. But these channels are proving to be ineffective. This is due to a change in consumer preferences. The modern-day consumer finds cold calling annoying and disturbing. On the other hand, a significant increase in marketing email volume is causing a decline in opening rates. As a result, dealerships are losing out valuable leads to competitors.

The Solution

Meera conversational AI provides a solution to effectively capture a lead’s attention. The automotive AI assistant engages leads by contacting them via WhatsApp and SMS. It uses personalized messages to drive conversations and prompts leads to respond. Meera then uses these conversations to warm prospects for calls with sales teams. In case leads deny getting on calls, it drives them to schedule a telephonic appointment. By doing so, the AI-powered automotive chatbot boosts contact rates. This empowers dealerships to work leads and improve conversion rates


Automates Lead Qualification

Meera works on each lead at scale. The AI assistant periodically contacts leads and nurtures them until they are ready. By doing so, Meera filters out uninterested leads.

Cuts Down on Call Volumes

The automotive AI assistant replaces outbound calling with inbound warmed-up calls. In the process, it frees sales teams of the repeated task of trying to contact leads over calls. Further, Meera helps dealerships cut down on phone bills.

Improves Lead Conversion Rates

Meera delivers personalization at scale by engaging thousands of leads at a time. Using these skills, the AI assistant boosts contact rates and gives dealerships access to high-intent leads. Through the process, Meera helps dealerships in enhancing lead conversion rates.