The Problem

The global increase in internet penetration has given banks access to an extensive prospect base. Websites and social media pages have become an integral part of the business. But banks are struggling to capitalize on the thousands of visitors who come to these platforms. This is due to an influx of new players in the market and the increasing demand for improved banking experience. Website visitors, today, demand personalized experiences and quick answers to their questions. If their expectations are not met, they turn to other players in the market. There is a need for personalization and engagement on websites and social media pages. A lack of these tools is causing financial institutions to miss out on opportunities.

The Solution

Meera conversational AI offers an effective solution to the problem. The banking AI automates website and social media visitor engagement. It does so by engaging the website and Facebook page visitors via webchat and Messenger. The banking AI captures visitors’ attention by using personalized conversations. It then uses these conversations to collect their requirements and drives them to submit contact information. Following this, the AI banking assistant warms up leads for calls with loan processing teams. Through this process, it boosts contact rates and speeds up loan processing. Meera, thus, enables financial institutions to capitalize on every opportunity that comes their way.


Cuts Down Customer Acquisition Costs

Meera replaces outbound calling with inbound opportunities. This enables financial institutions to cut down on phone bills. Further, the AI assistant enhances contact rates and improves sales funnel efficiencies. In the process, it enables banks to acquire customers at low costs.

Boosts Lead Generation Rates

The banking AI assistant engages every website and social media visitor. By doing so, Meera boosts lead generation rates and ensures no opportunity slips away.

Higher ROI on Digital Marketing

Meera increases the probability of each Facebook or website visitor turning into a lead. This way it enhances the ROI generated on each digital marketing investment.