The Problem

Approximately 99% of aspiring students start their search for higher education online. This gives educational institutions access to an extensive pool of prospects. Despite this, 60% of admission leaders are failing to meet their enrolment targets. Every website and social media visitor is a potential student if engaged with. Generally, prospects survey colleges or seek answers to specific questions online. Engaging these visitors on these platforms is an effective way of generating leads. Lack of personalization and engagement on these channels is costing colleges these opportunities.

The Solution

Meera education AI provides an effective solution to the problem. The intelligent AI assistant provides an end-to-end higher education marketing solution. It aides institutions in converting website and social media visitors to leads. The AI assistant automates and personalizes visitor engagement via webchat or FB Messenger. It does so by answering their queries and guiding them to specific information. Besides this, the AI assistant works visitors at scale and drives them to submit their contact information. Following, this Meera nurtures the leads and aids in converting them to students.


Personalize Experiences at Scale:

Leveraging its NLP and NLU capabilities, Meera delivers personalized experiences at scale. This leaves an everlasting impact on visitors and enhances the likelihood of them converting into leads.

Increases ROI on Educational Marketing:

By engaging each visitor, Meera enables colleges to capitalize on every opportunity. This way educational institutions generate greater ROI on digital marketing investments.

Generates Qualified Opportunities:

By working on each lead at scale, Meera only passes qualified leads to admissions teams. This saves admission counselors precious time that is otherwise spent in trying to contact prospects.

Creates Inbound Opportunities:

The AI assistant replaces outbound calling with inbound opportunities. It warms up leads for calls with admissions teams and drives them to application submissions.