The Problem

Document collection forms an integral part of processing insurance claims and processing policies. A delay in document collection and processing could frustrate customers and leads. This could drive away business and hurt Net Promoter Scores (NPS). Currently, insurance companies rely on calling and emailing for document collection. But these methods are proving ineffective. This is because an increasing number of customers are preferring texting over calling and emailing. The declining contact rates are making it difficult for companies to collect documents. Further, insurance companies are wasting valuable resources and time in the process. As a result, insurance companies end up incurring unnecessary expenses with no practical work to show for.

The Solution

Automating document collection is a great way to overcome the problem. Meera conversational AI provides insurance companies a way to automate document collection. The insurance AI assistant sends out automated personalized follow-up messages to the customers. It sends these messages using flexible text messaging platforms and encourages response. Through the messages, it reminds customers to submit the required documents. Meera also enables customers and leads to submit their forms on WhatsApp at their convenience. Besides this, the AI assistant answers FAQs that could otherwise hinder document submissions. Meera also follows-up with each customer at scale and ensures the submission of the required documents.


Improves Workflow

Through automated document collection Meera speeds up claims and applications processing. This way the insurance AI assistant boosts workflow efficiencies.

Boosts Lead Conversion and Customer
Retention Rates:

The conversational AI works on each customer and leads at scale. By driving them to submit the documents, Meera ensures no opportunity slips away. In the process, it helps insurance companies boost customer retention and lead conversion rates.

Enhances Workforce

Meera rids the sales teams of the responsibility of following-up with customers. This enables them to focus on bringing more business by nurturing and closing down on leads.

Reduces Expenses:

The conversational AI solution replaces outbound calls with affordable and automated messaging. Through this, Meera aids companies to cut down on phone bills.