The Problem

Most colleges consider canceled admission applications as lost opportunities and discarded them completely. But, in reality, the database of canceled applications is a set of already generated leads. Working on these leads at scale can help colleges in enhancing enrollment rates. But, engaging and contacting these aged leads poses a great challenge. The use of traditional follow-up practices of cold calling and emailing has proven ineffective in recent times. This is driving institutions away from investing in working on aged leads. As a result, institutions are missing out on invaluable student enrollment opportunities.

The Solution

Meera conversational AI offers institutions an effective way to leverage the pre-existing leads. The AI assistant automates personalized prospect engagement and boosts response rates. It does so, by sending out personalized messages to applicants on WhatsApp and SMS. The AI assistant behaves as an automated lead follow-up system and engages thousands of applicants at a time. The AI-based chatbot nurtures leads and passes qualified opportunities to the admissions team. This way, the AI assistant enables colleges to leverage their existing databases to the full extent at affordable costs.


Boosts Enrolment

Meera enables colleges to leverage existing leads and work on them at scale. By doing so, the AI assistant automates aids colleges in enhancing enrolment rate

Cuts Down
on Costs:

Meera reduces outbound and inbound call volumes and helps colleges in cutting down costs.

Enhances Admissions
Team Productivity:

The AI platform automates follow-ups and lead nurturing to allow admissions teams to focus on closing out on high-intent leads. This boosts their productivity and helps colleges improve admission funnel efficiencies.